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...welcome back everyone! Hope you all had a blast this weekend!

Sorry we didn’t get a new page done last week. Getting it done this week is my top priority. The page went through several redesigns last week that I finally scrapped. It was just an unsatisfying page that did little more than set up the next page. So I rewrote the page, combining the next two pages together and Its finally feels right! Now the page has cuteness, laughs, and a hook (three things the previous version was lacking)!

We also launched the mail club last week! Thanks to everyone that signed up! I’ll be in touch soon! Tonight we start labeling envelopes. My wife and housemates are helping out with the mailings, which leaves me with more time to work on the comic!

Along with the new page, there should also be new $5 exclusive going up soon, so lots to look forward to!

Alright, there’s lots to do so let’s get to it! Have a great week everyone!



No worries, glad to hear you found a working layout. Looking forward to what you came up with


I'd rather wait and see the page done the way you want it done


Is it too late for the 10$ tier? I asked you a question on the May 1st announcement, and was waiting for an answer before I joined...