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...Fits like a glove!  Very pleased with how the colors came out.  I tend to over think colors when I'm working, so it's nice to have a bunch of coloring projects line up.  This will be a print for the mail club in the coming months.

I got my first Vaccine shot today.  I'm doing good so far, but I'm not sure how it's going to affect me in the next few days.  Hopefully I'll be able to get the next page done, but I'm likely going to be taking it easy for a few days.  We shall see.

Hope everyone is having a great week!




gorgeous work, and glad to hear on the shot. Hears hoping the side effects are minimal

Weird Esoterica

Congrats on getting the vaccine! For the second one, I would say be prepared to feel the side effects in about 12 hours and then be prepared to take it easy for the next 24. My go to was ibuprofen and power aid zero and that it seemed to work.

Fritz Sands

Team Moderna here. Both shots. Minimal effects.


Looks great! And Ellie's clearly enjoying it too :) As to side effects of the vaccine (Astra Zeneca in my case) I was fine the day I had it, felt like i had a cold the next day (complete with headache) then was fine the day after that. From what others tell me that's pretty much what to expect

Kalia Grey

Same here on AZ. Felt like shit for about 30 hours after, and then cleared up completely over the space of a few hours.


Yep, Ellie is loving it too. Will she want to take it off later, or is she wearing it for days? ;) :D


It’s a pretty strict position to hold. Once she’s been in there long enough she’ll be begging to be released. Question is, what will she have to do for Meg to set her free? 😙🎶


Maybe Meg will wnat her to practice holding that position. ;) I like the locked on collar too. Is that the one she will be given by Meg in the next pages? :D