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...This is going to be a busy week! We’re looking at a new page of Black Label and a new page of GR for my $5 patrons. I’ve been working with color a lot lately and am finding that I may indeed have some skill. I know I can do a good job, but it tends to take me a really long time. Fortunately, my friend Mel gave me some great shortcuts that have made a huge difference!

Now for the big news; next month I am going to launch a new $10 tier! Essentially, a mail club. That’s right, you get mail from me! You will receive an autographed 5”x7” print and sticker each month. That’s just to start. I’m hoping to add a bit more as I go, but that will be the minimum you’ll receive. I’ll be posting previews once I’ve got the physical copies in my hands (I’m making my first order this week and I just got my P.O. Box set up)! Exciting times!

I’m finally building the habit of posting more on Twitter and Instagram, so if you’re ever over there, swing on by and say hi! My Twitter @StereoscopeCom1 and @StereoscopeComics on Instagram.

Okay everyone, we’ve got lots to do so let’s get to it! Have a great week everyone!



Yay for a new tier! Would it be a print and sticker of our choice? Or is it something you pick on your own? Would you announce what the tier gets long enough in advance for people to bump up to the $10 tier, or would we have to stay on the 10$ and we get what we get which will vary from month to month (which is pretty much what the other tiers are anyway)?

Kalia Grey

Will the $10 tier physical rewards be available to people outside the US? I'm in the UK so unsure if it'd be cost effective or not.


Since I’m just getting started, there won’t be options yet, but I will be posting previews of what you’ll be getting each month. I’m not sure how tier jumping will work, but ideally you’ll be able to join up when you see something you like. Running the numbers with patreon is complicated and I’m not sure how I’ll get dinged when people drop to a lower tier. We’ll have to figure it out as we go. 😅


I’m down for some stickers. All the designs you showed off so far look awesome.


Lots of exciting news!


I'm down for some physical rewards! I'm recently a student and had to drop down from $5, but I think I might just jump up to $10 when I can, sometime next year. Since shipping to other parts of the world can be prohibitively expensive, have you considered delivering rewards quarterly/yearly, at least while you're in the startup phase?