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...I somehow managed to knock out a page this week!  Didn't think I'd have time, but it's a pretty straight forward page.  Onto the next!

I hope everyone is having a great weekend!  Weekly update tomorrow!  Chat soon!





Looks fantastic.

Karp The Mad

They are so cute ❤️

Brad Kitts

Love the chemistry between the two of them.


Will we see page 112 in the next pages or this chapter? ;) :D

Death of Ink

Looks like she's getting excited just hearing about it.


hehehe, It looks like something fun will happen soon! I like Meg's mind ^^

Henri Black

seriously, I can clearly see meg *probing* Ellie and asking "Is it... this deep?"

Shrub Jump

I like that Meg is actually taking the time to talk through with Ellie what she's proposing, and to ask what she thinks about it. Although she's trying to sell Ellie on her idea, it's not about pressuring her or tricking her into something where she has no idea what she's getting into. And that's really important.


No doubt about it Ellie really does enjoy being embarrassed. She looks so cute doing it too 🥰


Minor nitpick: I'm pretty sure it's spelled "fidget", not "figit". ;)


Meg: I think you like being embarrassed... Ellie: *blushing happily* No I don't...


Ive been spelling it wrong all these years?! So embarrassing! Can’t think of a time I ever actually wrote the word fidget, so I guess I’m in good shape. 😅