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...we find out what the heck they’re saying! 😁

Gonna grab some dinner and hang out with fam. Goodnight everyone!




I bet Ellie tells Meg she can join her in the bathroom to make sure she doesn't remove the ropes.

Karp The Mad

You're such a tease 🤣


I love Meg's expression in the bottom middle panel.

Ian Price

"You win" is going to appear in the dialogue, I predict.

Jordan Andrew Scherr

Oh my god. If that's true, then things are about to take a massive turn. That surrender could only mean the group really is going to get a glymps of those ropes, and quite possibly more.

Ian Price

Well, we just found out I was close, haha. I doubt it's going to involve the whole group at this point though, Meg seems to have a firm grasp of obtaining consent from everyone involved before doing anything.