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...We're finally looking at a more or less normal work week ahead! :)  I'm a bit rusty, but I'm shooting to finish some work this week!  Will it be the next page of BLACK LABEL?  I don't know, but I hope so!  Got a good start with a few fun designs and sketches, as well as some stickers that need coloring.  Reread the chapter 5 script and I'm so excited!  We're about eight pages from the end!  The bonus section will be scandalous! ;)

Still have a bunch of paperwork to finish to officially become a new resident (state reg., vehicle, heath ins., etc.) but a lot of it can't be done until some of these offices actually open for business again.  Went to the RMV (MA equivalent of the DMV) to drop off my paperwork and I was gave up.  All of the paperwork is filled out and ready to go.  I just needed to take it to the "drop box".  Sounds easy, right?  Well instead of just having a slot to drop the paperwork in, there was a line wrapping around the building and a strange protocol that you had to go through just to stand in the line.  It was weirdly complicated and I'm not sure why (the security guard looked pretty annoyed about it as well).  Finally gave up as we couldn't find parking anyway and we were on a tight schedule.  Guess I'll try again tomorrow! ^^;

Onto better things!  I'm gonna get to drawing right now! :D  Hope you guys all had a fantastic holiday Weekend!  Let's kick some ass!


Weird Esoterica

Oof, sounds kafkaesque. Hopefully you get that straightened out soon. Glad to see you getting back into the swing of things!


I hope it can go smoothly for yeah


Tight schedule? Did it have an encounter with Meg?

Jordan Andrew Scherr

By all means, take the time you need to warm up. We can handle another week if it means you find your pace again.