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...She's back!

Scuse me while I drop more clues. The next page is Gonna be Ellie...and Val!

...And Meg and Sam!

Hope everyone is having a great weekend!




Oh dang! Did anyone see that coming? I think we were all expecting her to mention something else.


Val: “What’s that one?” (Points to phone) Meg: (Goes cherry red)

Brad Kitts

Yes, Val, Meg is mortal despite being a dominatrix.


This is cool, we've all been there were we meet someone who you think is this. Other worldly entity. But then we see they're just another person and the anxiety goes away. Also, the criticism of her website photos XD Is val a photographer?

Death of Ink

Val's turning the tables and getting Meg all flustered while she's back to being the cool one. This is fun, it's like a subconscious battle of wits to who's more in control and cool looking! :D

Fritz Sands

"Nice website". Ahahahaha...

Fritz Sands

And they still aren't out of the tavern. :)


Well... Val does have both "Dungeon" and "Master" in her title. I'm not surprised she'd be able to pull the rug from under Meg's feet. Especially since she's the apprentice that evening....

Henri Black

Makes sense Meg would be flustered by that topic, a lot more than if Val was talking about bondage.

Henri Black

and Megaria is still soaking in the POTATOES OF POWER... gods help whatever monsters they face next.


It started slow, but maybe Val will show Meg that she does not control everything and everyone here.


Given Meg's very open interactions with Sam moments before and then offering to rig Val up, I doubt she'd blush. It's not like she's hiding her interest in BDSM. Her reaction would more likely be a grin and offer a demo :-P


For a moment there, I was wondering how Val knew to look for Meg's website, but as I was re-reading the story, I noticed when Meg mistakenly introduces herself instead of her character, she does mention she does leatherwork, and suggests she could make wallets and stuff. I guess that's what clued Val in...


There’s actually a section that’s missing that will be covered in a later chapter. Val has had a weeks worth of time for research since her conversation with Ellie. I’m going to add a single page as an epilogue to chapter 2 to better set it up. I was originally going to make Val’s arc part of chapter 5, but it would have made chapter 5 about 60 pages long. 😅