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...hope everyone had some fun this weekend!

Onto the next page! Lots to do this week outside of comics, so I’ll be focusing on the new page with GR as my warmup project.

The big move is 3 months away. Crazy. Not sure where the time went. 😅 Fortunately were all in high spirits and ready for the change!

Not much else to report. Gonna start knocking out my to do list so I can get back to drawing! We’re getting close to wrapping up this story arc. Excited to get to Meg and Ellie’s big “date”. 😁

Have a great week everyone!



Good luck with the move! Looking forward to how this chapter wraps up and the "date" also, woo to GR!

Shrub Jump

Let's see...first, Meg takes Ellie out to a farmer's market, where Meg tries to get Ellie interested in mangoes, melons and peaches. After that, Meg takes Ellie out to an all-you-can-eat taco joint. Then they head home and relax on the sofa, while Meg turns on the TV to a women's beach volleyball game. Anyone want to continue this scenario? :)


Good luck with the move! Did one last year, always feels like it creeps on you no matter how early you start preparing.