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...whew...what a week. I hope everyone is safe and healthy.

Our local wildfire is moving away from us! We have another storm heading towards us but no lightning from it so far. Hopefully we’ll get some rain! Air quality is all over the place, but not nearly as bad as last week. I think we’re in good shape. Fingers crossed!

We are back home, safe and healthy, getting things cleaned up and put away. Hope to have my work space up and running today so I can finish the next page this week (about to start lineart and tones).

Still planning a $10 tier for vids and such to help with the iPad. Should be active today or tomorrow. A huge thanks to everyone that’s helping out. Going to see if I can’t order it today or tomorrow. Want to put something together for people who sign up, but I’m not sure what yet (haven’t had much time to plan) I have an idea though. :)

The pic above was a $5 exclusive which will eventually appear in the comic (yup, totally canon). I’m sharing it here for my $1 Patrons since you didn’t get a new page last week. Working on something for my $5 Patrons (a new warmup drawing). Should be done in a day or two. :)

While staying at our friends house we were introduced to a show on Hulu called Letterkenny. This show is hilarious! I give it a recommend.

Gonna get some cleaning done. I hope everyone has a great week! Stay safe!




Glad to hear it's moving away. A very fun pieces here, looking forward to what leads to this XD


I may have to bump up to $5 just to see images like that...

Weird Esoterica

A Dominatrix came to the produce stand the other day...


Was trying to make them a weekly thing when things got crazy. Im thinking I’ll be back on point by September. Fingers crossed.


Stay safe, okay? D:

Shrub Jump

Reeeally sexy picture! But who's going to get them out? :)

Jordan Andrew Scherr

oh my god!.. heh! And you KNOW what's most likely between their legs and firmly slotted in. If this is where the story is going, I can only imagine what's about to happen during that DnD break.


Hmm, will it happen as a dream sequence, or in - if you can say so - "real life". ;)

Jordan Andrew Scherr

I don't earn a lot of money, so any raise is difficult. But I like your work so much, I'm rising to the $5 teer. This image sold me! I guess the question is, how many is Val going to net? Time will tell.

Jordan Andrew Scherr

P.S.I sent a private message regarding the men. I can see why you don't involve them, but had some suggestions how it might socially fly.


Ah an oldy but a goody nice

Brad Kitts

Might need to increase my pledge to the 5$ one if we get more images like these. Nice work. Very lovely.

Jordan Andrew Scherr

Ah! and with the most recent panel this makes sense! I guess the question is if anyone will figure out one of their own is already in-ropes.