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…Yo! I hope everyone had a fun and relaxing weekend!

This week’s page of BLACK LABEL is going to be a fun one! I also want to finish the detailed sketches for the next page of GR. It’s half finished, but the first half has been a real challenge. Excited to get back to it as the story is about to get very interesting!  Website is coming together and will hopefully be up next month!  Also, I came up with a fun sketch last night that’s going to make a great warm up drawing this week! :D

So it’s finally sunk in that my old job is gone, making comics my full time profession.  I’m finally over the shock (There was a couple weeks where it felt like the world was coming undone) so I can start getting serious about it. So I’m going to invest in an iPad. I’ve been holding off for a long time, but my friend Mel got a refurbished one for a really good price last year. She’s let me test it out this weekend, and while it definitely is going to take some getting used to, I’ll be able to take my work with me and hopefully get more comics done! Also, I’ll be able to make and post art videos, which was something I tried doing before, but never had any luck with (I've never been very tech savy). Mel let me watch her work on a video she made for her Patrons and I couldn’t believe how quick and easy it was. And all of it done on the iPad!

I don’t usually geek out about tech stuff, but man, the possibilities! Speed drawings, art breakdown videos, unboxing, etc. Also, this may solve all of my live streaming issues.

It’s a scary time to be investing in anything, but I think this will be more than worth it. I’m not asking for donations, but I was trying to think up a way that you guys can help out if you want to. So here’s a rough plan.

Step 1: If anyone is interested in helping out (I’ll run a poll in a little while), I’ll create a $10 tier and pick up the iPad. This tier will be active until I get the iPad paid off (maybe a couple months). The tier reward will basically be a video scrapbook as I experiment and figure out how to integrate it into my work set up (Mel's gonna help me with that). Posting will be random as I go, but you can expect something every week. Also, I’ll keep a tally of how the money is being used (iPad, iPencil, Apps, etc.).

Step 3: Once everything is paid off, I will close the $10 tier and try to add a monthly video at the $5 tier.

Step 4: If I am able to produce video content consistently without interfering with BLACK LABEL, then I’ll restart the $10 tier for people who want more video content. Again, this last part will depend entirely on how efficient I am. This is about producing more comics, not just video. BLACK LABEL is the priority!

So that’s the plan. I’ll post a poll in a little while to see if there’s any interest.

Alright, lots to do, so let’s get started! New page coming soon! Have a great week!



I didn't vote in the poll because there wasn't enough info. I'd have to see what you mean by "video content" in order to make a real decision. :) Also, how often would the videos come out?


No prob. Thanks for asking. The info is all in today’s weekly Update, but the cliff notes version is I plan to use the iPad so I can keep working when I’m on the road and do videos such as speed drawings, comic page breakdowns, unboxing, etc. All of it will be Black Label content plus whatever other project I’m currently working on.


Ohh, I see. For a moment I thought you were gonna start doing video animations. I'm sorry about your previous job. But hopefully we can make this work out for you. Personally, progress video's don't really interest me. Maybe you can offer a few limited high tiers. Guaranteeing 1 sketch a month? Just an idea. Looking forward to GR!


Yeah, I read the update after I'd replied here, lol. Basically, I'd need to see at least one sample before I'd make a decision. That was my main point. :) Really like your work, BTW. I stumbled across BL on DeviantArt and basically loved it from the start. But I'd want to see how it translated into video before agreeing to a higher tier level. Anyway, looking forward to seeing what you put together. :)


I had the feeling my job was going and the move is part of the plan, but actually having it sink in hit me kind of hard. But now I’ve got goals and focus! I’m back! I think there’s enough interest to create the tier. Will likely go active next week. Budgeting the iPad stuff while I go over my schedule to make sure I can get stuff done in a timely manner. Fortunately my wife (who is a badass) and my friend Mel are helping me with some of the tech stuff so I can concentrate on writing and drawing!👍 Ah yes, nudes of Val! She’s gonna get her own chapter pretty soon! Looking forward to that!


No worries, totally fair. This is unmarked territory for me and usually I wouldn’t make a tier without a weeks worth of content first, but I needed to “kickstart” the project a bit. Being as transparent with everything as I can be. Hopefully I’ll have good stuff to share soon, so no sweat. either way, I’ll keep post comics every week!👍


So basically I joined to get the new Black Label series. And all I got was pages and pages of people playing Dungeon & Dragons. You are wasting your talent just like you make us waste our money. It's a HUGE disappointment, I'm never going to support you here again.


And sorry about the job situation. but would you stick to good bondage stuff, you would make much more that the decent 1.500 per month you are already doing on Patreon. You are losing your supporters because of poor artistic choices my friend. What a waste.


That’s fair. Not gonna lie, the DnD stuff took up a lot more space than I’d planned. I hope you’ll keep reading Black Label though. There will be more bondage and romance soon.


No worries. I want you to get the best value for your contribution. If you’re not getting then there’s no reason to wait around. I hope you’ll keep reading Black Label on DevArt or Hentai-Foundry. I’ll keep posting pages every week. Thanks for your help. I hope you’ll consider being a Patron again in the future, but that will be entirely on me. Best of luck and have a great week!


You have a true talent and a creative and kinky mind. Just make our fetish and bondage dreams come true ; ) Hopefully will join again in a distant future

Chiron Auva

A) I'm not much of a vidwatcher, but I make exceptions for some content, and I'd be down to up my support to 10. B) I'm an artist myself (though you won't currently find my work online), and I can personally attest that the iPad Pro is the best digital drawing tool I've ever used - and I say that as someone who really, really hates using Apple products. You'll love it. C) I know some people complained the DnD dragged on too long; I personally disagree. I like long-term stories to have diverse content, even at the cost of sexy times. I don't find love stories compelling if couples don't do 'normal' things together too. Anyway I typed this mess out while half awake, thanks for being awesome and making awesome work, ní ní


I totally agree. BDSM is not just about sex, it's about the power play, about messing with each other and getting under each other's skin, and that can totally be brought outside the bedroom. In fact, it can be especially exciting to sneak it under people's noses in public, making your sub horny at the most inappropriate of times, keeping their mind focused on sex while they're at work, or in class, or in transit... anywhere they can't give in and satisfy themselves; that can be quite exhilarating. And this is exactly what the D&D game is all about. Meg trying to push Ellie to reveal herself, while Ellie is struggling to keep under control, stay present in the game despite the amazing sensations all over her body. Plus the emergence of both Sam and Val's stories and revealing their interest in BDSM. Not to mention that both BDSM and D&D are about role-play (I have fond memories of a Vampire The Mascarade one-shot that turned into a torrid 48h long threesome... Is this how this game is going to end? I doubt it, but until then, I like to dream about it :P ). Eroticism isn't just about sex and nudity, especially where BDSM is involved. It's about building tension and anticipation, which is why I love this game night story arc, however long it may be. The page where it seems like Meg is going to kiss Ellie, only to reveal on the next page she's checking her temperature forehead to forehead: magnificent. I could feel both Ellie and Val's heartbeats race up! Please don't let someone's raging hormones fool you into focusing only on explicit stuff. You are weaving a beautiful story with intricate characters, and doing a great job at showing the wide variety of possibilities and mind games that are part of BDSM play. You said it VERY early in the story: BDSM is a game. It doesn't have to be about sex, even though it mixes extremely well with it. And your D&D stuff is a great representation of that. Stay true to yourself. :-)