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...computer issues today, so I’m posttfrom my phone. Sorry for any spelling errors. 😅

Welcome back everyone! I hope you all had a great weekend!

We are now New Grounds! https://stereoscopecomics.newgrounds.com I’ve made a few posts thus far and figure I’ll just post a page or two a day until I’m caught up.

I got a little burnt out last week so I took my wife hiking and worked on some Call of Cthulhu stuff. Hoping to run a game later this week. For now, I’m feeling recharged and ready to draw!

Very excited to see the Black Label story shifting back to BDSM. I love the DnD stuff, but Meg’s got a game of her own to run. 😁

After finishing the latest page of Black Label there was some confusion about the sequence from panel 3-6. Meg subtly reaches back and gives Meg a friendly scratch up the back of her head. Gonna replace panel 6 and touch up panel 5 to clear it up. Should be fixed later this week.

I have a new page of Black Label to work on! It’s already designed so I can start the detailed sketches today! I also have most of GR pg 4 sketched out, so I hope to send that off for approval soon.

Lots to do this week so let’s get started! I hope you all have a fun, safe and productive week!



uh oh, hopefully the issues can be resolved. Glad you had to to recover from the burnout. Looking forward the next pages of BL and GR!