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…I hope everyone had a fantastic weekend!

I discovered a couple toning and inking shortcuts! Glad I figured them out because I was out of town for most of the week. ^^; Family and friends are all holding up well!

This week’s plan…

Part 1: Create Webcomic Site! I’ve already started with a handy hosting site called Comic Fury. There are a lot of little bits and pieces that I’ll need to work on, but I’ll start loading the 130 or so pages this week. I’ll still be posting on DevArt but those will most likely be previews images to invite people to go to the website.

Part 2 (This is the important part): Set up a Patreon  Alternative! You may have heard about Patreon’s current legal trouble. If not, you can read about it here https://www.cernovich.com/patreon-lawsuit-owen-benjamin/  Full disclosure, I don’t know who Cernovich is, but apparently he’s a lawyer, so I’ll take him at his word. Also, I have no problem believing this story because Patreon has made some bullshit moves over the past few years.

I may simply jump over to SubscribeStar, but the better option would be to set up my own service via Paypal and Dropbox. I’m not sure how it will work just yet, but I’m having a round table with some comic friends later to figure out the best way to go about it. I will keep all of you updated.

I'm not trying to be alarmist or anything, just realistic.  Patreon may get through this just fine, but it is certainly becoming less reliable than it was a few years ago. Due to Covid-19 comics have been my main source of income since March and likely will be for the foreseeable future (My day job was supposed to start back up in July. Now it’s looking it may not return until as late as October [if at all]).

I’m not leaving Patreon until I get an alternative set up. I’ll still be posting here. I will keep you updated.

Part 3: A New Page of BLACK LABEL! This one is self explanatory. ;)

Part 4: GR Comic Page! I hope to have page 4 detailed and approved this week.

Lot’s to do and lots to think about. I hope you guys will stick around until I get a new subscription service figured out. Besides, I’m going to have new content for you soon!  I hope you'll look forward to it!

Have a great week everyone!



How to obtain pdf of your past work?


It's definitely a good idea to look for alternatives to Patreon now. I haven't been following the case closely, but I do know about it. That case will hurt them. They can probably get out of it and continue business as usual. But it's gonna hurt no matter what.


Anyway, looking forward t the next update. Glad to hear the family is alright and yay to the newly discovered techniques.

Weird Esoterica

according to mike cernovich's wikipedia page, he has made several false accusations including allegations of pedophilia. I have no insight into the facts of the case, but I wouldn't put much weight in what he says. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mike_Cernovich


Oh no! First I've heard about the Patreon legal problems. Not sure how serious that is, but even if there are plenty of alternatives, I don't want to lose this site. :(


"if at all"? Have a boost to my pledge then.


I definitely picked up a far right bias on his page (which was why I felt the need to mention it) but even a broken watch is right twice a day. Maybe I’m just stressing myself at this point. I’m in California and it sometimes feels like the whole place is about to implode.😅


Same here! Again, not trying to be alarmist, but I felt like everyone should know. Hope it all pans out.🤞


I only had a chance to do a brief look into this guy. I definitely picked up a right wing bias on his site, but even a broken clock is right twice a day. If there’s any truth to it then I have to take it seriously. I hope it all turns out fine, but it’s time for me to get my back up plan figured out. Thanks!


I’ll post up a link later this week for $5 Patreons. I just need to finish consolidating a few things.


Thanks for keeping us in the loop. I hope it all works out, web design is HARD


Oof. Sucks to see loopholes being abused. Smart move to look at alternatives. Better safe than sorry. Especially with the dumpster fire that is 2020.