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...I hope everyone is doing well and staying healthy. We just had a very productive week. Let’s do that again!

The next page of BLACK LABEL is thumbnailed and ready for detailed sketches, The first page of GR just needs a few minor touch ups, I’m in the middle of writing the next chapter of BLACK LABEL (just needs a bit more polish), and I just finished the line art for my current weekly warm-up pin-up. Lots to look forward to!

It seems I am now officially a full time professional comic book artist.  A dream come true, but not quite the way that I had imagined. ^^; As some of you know, my day job is in the special event production/entertainment field, and as an independent contractor my bread and butter is events. All of those have been canceled or postponed for the foreseeable future (at least until late summer), so comics are here to fill the void.

I know times are tough, so I want to thank everyone for your contribution. It makes all the difference in the world for me and my wife. Thank you!

Aright! Let’s make some comics! Have a great week everyone!



How is that saying about the idle hands? #sarcasm Glad to hear that I can help you.


Honestly, the black humour jokes I’ve seen making the rounds have all been about the story of the Monkey's Paw.


Glad to hear we can help. I'm also currently on lockdown and will be unemployed until I get the all clear. Hopefully this won't last too long and things can start to return to normal. Gonna stay on for as long as I can.


UK is on lockdown so i'm unemployed for now. Hopefully the stronger measures will make this blow over quicker. While i'll be trimming off most of my patreon subscriptions this one stays! Lets hope we all get through this safe and healthy