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…October has arrived! My Birthday is on Thursday, and you guys have already given me the best gift ever!

As advertised, October is one of the busiest times of the year (second only to Christmas). I am on the road every weekend for work, so I already knew production was going to slow down, but because of you guys I get to cut my work hours during the week so I can still work on the comic! This would have been impossible a year ago. Heck, it would have been impossible a few months ago! Best Birthday Gift Ever!

Thank you!

Okay, the next page is about 30% toned, and there are two small panels that I’m going to redraw. Not a lot of details to worry about so I should have that knocked out this evening. I have three rough designs for page 20, I just need to figure out which one will work best. Also (don’t quote me on this because I need to double check my math) Chapter 3 Page 20 will be the 100th page of core story for BLACK LABEL! 100 pages! That’s not including the 40 or so pages of bonus content from all the earlier mini comics. This means we’re halfway to the first BLACK LABEL trade paperback! So excited!

Okay, lots to do! Can’t wait to get home and work on the comic! You guys have a great week!