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Weekly Update 09.30.2019…

…Autumn is officially here and it has me all over the map. ^^; Busy weekend and a busy week ahead, but I’m not complaining, cause I get to cut a bunch of hours so that I can draw! Thank you guys for that!

I just need to finish toning the next page and it will be done! Hoping it will be up today but most likely it will be tomorrow. My current warmup sketch is ready for lines as well, so that might be done this week too!

My goal at this point is to get a page out every week. If we do that, we’ll have no problem wrapping chapter 3 before running out of buffer pages. I don’t regret doing the two page a week thing over on DevArt and HF, but I may need to drop it back down to one when I do chapter 4. ^^; It was a grand experiment, but I definitely need a bigger buffer next time.

Holy crap, my birthday is next week (October 10th)! No big plans or anything, but let’s see if we hit $1000 by then! With the growth this page has been experiencing, it is definitely possible. :)

My wife and I got to shoot BB guns at a friend’s house the other day and it was as lot of fun! I enjoy shooting (both real and BB) but it’s been years since I’ve done it. My wife had never been shooting and always seemed a bit nervous or suspicious of guns, but she had a really good time! She’s a pretty good shot, too. Cut a coke can clean in half. Now that she’s had the chance to shoot a BB gun (and have a blast doing so) she really wants to go out to the range and shoot a real gun. That should be fun.

Okay, I have a few hours before I need to go to work, so I’m gonna get some toning done. Hope to have the new page to you soon. Have a fantastic week everyone!


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