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…Sorry for the late update. It was a busy work day that started at 4am this morning and ended around 6pm. Not complaining though, cause with the extra work I got done that means I can take a half day tomorrow and work on the comic! Super excited to start the next page!

I try not to look at the numbers or think too much about them, but we just hit $900 a mark and that is amazing! Thank you all so much for your support! I cannot tell you how much this has helped me in making time for comics. If things continue to grow like this, I may be able to just drop to part time at my day job and make more time for comics. six months ago I never would have entertained an idea like that, but now it’s an actually possibility. In the meantime, I’m going to do my best to keep my head on my shoulders and keep making comics for you guys! Thanks again!

Okay, let’s make two more pages this week, plus some warm-up sketches and drawings. I’ve been asking $5 Patrons randomly for simple warm-up suggestions and it’s been a lot of fun so far. I’m also starting a “warm-up” comic project this week. This has been in the works for a while, but the script is finally tightened up enough that I feel confident moving forward with it. It will be a $5 exclusive and will be made available on lulu.com once it’s done (not sure how long it will take as it’s something I’ll be using as a warm-up and BLACK LABEL will remain my main priority). Aside from making a fun, sexy comic, my goal with this project is to create a comic exclusively in Clip Studio. I’ll be playing around with the brush tools, image and page size, speech bubbles, etc., so the look may be a little different from my usual work. I’m very excited to experiment with this program and see what it’s capable of. Hopefully I’ll find some useful tools and shortcuts (especially in the speech bubble and text department) that I’ll be able to incorporate into BLACK LABEL.

Okay, I am ready to fall asleep. I see there are a whole bunch of comments from yesterday’s post that I haven’t had a chance to read or respond to. That’ll be my first priority tomorrow. 

Have a fantastic week everyone!



Very happy for ya in make that goal moe possible. Glad to help makit possible and very much looking forward to what you have instore ^^