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...Hey gang! It was a crazy weekend, but I’m back and excited to get to work on the next page of BLACK LABEL!

I want to get two pages done this week! The first one is already designed and the detailed sketch is pretty much done, so I hope to get the lines knocked out this evening. The page after that is thumbnailed and will hopefully come together quickly. I see no reason I can’t get two pages done this week!

Chapter 3 went public over on DevArt and HF and it’s been very well received! Super excited to be sharing it with everyone (sorry Tumblr, no fun for you anymore).

As I’ve mentioned in the past, I write for about an hour or two every morning before I go to work and it’s been great! I’ve got a lot of story for BLACK LABEL scripted and squared away and have also done a lot of DnD world building, which has proven to be a very interesting and fun challenge. There are a lot of stories and potential comics in there. I’ll be using some of them for my warm up and cool down drawing time and will be sharing them with my $5 Patrons as I go. Should be an interesting warm-up project.

Okay, lunch break is just about over, so I’m gonna get back to work. Can’t wait to get home and draw! Have a great week everyone!


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