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...And done!

I really feel for Meg.  I've been there.

I'm really hoping I can keep the two pages a week number going, but things are going to going to get pretty busy next few months (October especially).  Still, we're making great progress!  Going to get pages 11 and 12 laid out next so I can be ready to hit them hard this coming week!



Brad Kitts

Everyone's first D&D Experience?


Heh, everyone's first D&D session is usually a disappointment in one way or another

Johannes Bretscher

Now I'm just glad that I started roleplaying with a way simpler system. DSA version 1 (Das Schwarze Auge, translated to English as The Dark Eye) was pure simplicity in comparision. five Attributes, no skills, no talents, live points , attack and defense was the same for (almost) every starting character. Nothing else. Of course newer versions make you think the authors played a game of Nomic.


I was lucky enough to start DnD at second addition with a group of friends and a DM who’s main goal was fun and story. Hell one campaign we had one player play a leprechaun who didn’t gain experience the normal way but by adding gold into his treasure hoard. The system it there to make a game out of the story if the system starts to hurt the story it needs a tweak.


hahaha, this was a fun page. It's cool to see your characters trying other stuff and see where their interests lie.

Shrub Jump

See, this is why I just played "Gauntlet" at the arcade instead. :D

Fyunch Click

LOL. That’s why most of the D&D players when I was in school were dropouts. Point and click uber alles. WOW anyone? And spell animation.