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...A weekly Update from my phone (so apologies for any typos)!

We are on schedule with updates over on DevArt and this week I post the final page of chapter 2! We are ahead by 8 pages giving me four weeks of wiggle room if I start posting twice a week in October, but I’d really like to do three posts a week, so I’m going to take some time off to build an even bigger buffer (time off from DevArt that is. You guys get to see everything!). There are some complicated pages on the horizon and I don’t wanna over work myself. ^^; also, I really need to do some chapter cover pages at some point. I’ve got some fun designs in my sketchbook that I’d like to work on. :)

Page 9 is coming together quicker than I’d expected!!! I’m thinking Wednesday most likely. Part of me was thinking it would take all week, but I was definitely overthinking the design. I’m going with something simpler that should work great. So it looks like we’ll be wrapping up two pages this week! Fingers crossed!

Okay lunch break is over (breakfast?...wait, what time is it?) so I’m gonna get back to it! Have a great week everyone!



So page 13 is on the way. 😉


Looking forward to the chapter covers and woo for pages coming together!


This is a more generalized comment so I wasn't sure where to put it but I stumbled across Black Label this weekend and immediately binged the whole thing. I've now reread it all like 3-4 times. I absolutely adore your work, Ellie and Meg are so fuckin' cute I could die, and of course the art and bondage scenes are superb. Particularly fond of Meg's range of expressive faces, but honestly all your work here is excellent. I'm an instant fan and I cannot wait for more <3.


Thanks so much and thanks for joining me here on Patreon! I’m thrilled that I’m able to make my comics a priority now and that people are really enjoying them! I try to post 2 pages a week here so I hope you look forward to them. Also the first 9 pages of Black Label are available in my Patreon feed. Just hit the back label or page tag and they should show up (wish Patreon had a gallery feature).