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...if you've ever been an intern, you saw this coming.

Page 9 is going to be awesome, but it's going to take a bit of time, so it will likely be my main focus next week.  Hoping that I'll have time to work on it tomorrow.  Already have everything sketched out, but I really want to up the detail and play with the style a bit.  You'll see why.

Hope everyone is having a great weekend!  Goodnight!




I can't really blame them for not just putting everything in the hands of someone they have no real experience with but aww, poor Ellie...


I hope she keeps a paper trail to have her ass covered.


Aww she was so hopeful at the start.


They didn’t have to get her all excited though (that wasn’t their intention of course. I doubt they even noticed).


It's great to see her in try hard mode. It shows her talents and ambitions. As usual, love your expresion work! This page really runs the gambit of emotions. Well done! ^^ Also, loving the suits.

Brad Kitts

This page shows why I love the artstyle and facial expressions.


A bit late but panel 1: it's spelled " hors d'oeuvres". In fact if you want to be anal about it, it should be "hors d’œuvres", but if you're using a special font, it might not carry that special character.