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...We did it! We accomplished all of our goals for last week; a new page of BLACK LABEL, a finished commission, sketchy Saturday (Sunday this time round), and as a bonus, a new color pic.

My apologies to anyone who may have suffered any pain from the Pasta image last night. Thanks for sticking around. ;)

This is gonna be another busy week, but I’m going to spend my drawing time focusing on BLACK LABEL. I spent a bit of my page buffer this past month so I wanna get a couple extra pages done. Let’s see what we can get done this week. Two pages would be great! Three would be…no…no, I dare not dream so big. XD

Got to run a game of Call of Cthulhu last week! We played the Edge Of Darkness scenario. Let me set the scene…

…after a day of investigating supernatural happenings, murder and more, our three investigators find themselves in an old farm house, performing an ancient ritual to banish an evil, lurking presence by chanting in Latin around a magic circle. While attempting to do so, the malevolent lurker is attempting to stop them by making the house shake, dripping acid from the ceiling and other such shenanigans. The investigators are freaked out, hurt and tired (it’s midnight) but they continue the chant. The lurker then raises the dead and a zombie attack ensues upon the tiny farmhouse…

…Sounds awesome, right? Well, here’s what ended up happening. There are three nearby dead bodies that the lurker can raise (the investigators don’t know about this because they didn’t investigate the grounds surrounding the farmhouse). I attempt a few power rolls for the lurker to raise the dead, but only succeed in animating one zombie…

…A hoard of one…

…One of the investigators is standing guard while the other two focus their attention on the ritual. The investigator sees the zombie approach. This freaks out the investigator, but they succeed their sanity roll.

The zombie walks up to the window and attempts to break the glass…

…Fails roll.

The investigator just watches.

The zombie disappears into the darkness.

The investigator waits.

The Zombie returns with a large rock. Attempts to throw it at the window.

Fails roll. Misses.

The investigator just watches.

The zombie disappears into the darkness.

The investigator waits.

The zombie returns with a larger rock. Attempts to throw it at the window, holding the rock above its head.

Fails roll. Loses balance and falls backwards off the porch.

Investigator just watches. One of the other investigators asks what’s going on. Investigator replies, “Nothing. Just keep chanting.”

The zombie returns with the large rock. Attempts to throw it at the window.

The ritual is complete.

The zombie becomes inanimate and is crushed by the large rock it was holding.

This was how my dark, serious, spooky game became a sketch comedy improv show. What made it even funnier was I was approaching this with a, “this zombie is gonna wreck yo shit!” attitude. XD

Okay, lots to do this week, so let’s make the most of it! Have a productive week everyone!



Haha! I've had sessions like that, you start ready to TPK the group and end up hiding under the GM screen muttering "Please make it stop"


Sounds like an awesome time ^^