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...first the good news! The livestream was a blast! We’ll definitely be doing that again! A big thanks to everyone that joined us and a huge thanks to Rayearth for donating to the cause and hooking us up for the multicast! That was awesome!

Now the bad news; after the livestream my computer started acting up. I had unplugged everything and moved it to the livingroom for the livestream. When I moved it back my Wacom tracking went wonky and my computer screen went black. Not sure what the problem is so I’ll probably be taking it to the shop today. Gonna keep fiddling with it for now.

The next page of Black Label will go up as soon as I get the computer working again (I just need to put in the dialogue), but for now, I can’t get to it. So, yeah, it was a rough night, but now I feel like I can do something about it. Fingers crossed.



If you had to move the computer physically, probably a component inside must be out of place (even if slightly). If the monitor and the wacon are acting weird, most likely it's the video card. Try removing and putting it back then plugging everything back. It might be the answer.


Yeah, I’m thinking something got knocked out of alignment (which is weird since it’s a laptop). Tried unplugging everything and putting it back together again. No good, sadly.