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...My wife’s Half Elf War Cleric. :)

Really wish I’d done this in color, but I didn’t want to dedicate too much time to it (had work today as well as a commission to finish [should be done tomorrow]).

This coming week will be almost entirely dedicated to Black Label (did some sketching today). Time to get this chapter going!




That is a mighty big hammer for such a little gal. I love it.


That is a big off button she’s got there. The bard best not piss her of because she can knock him down a peg and bring him back up.


Whoa, I imagine she can deal some serious damage with that monster hammer!


Funny enough, she blasted the bard (me) with a guided bolt. Knocked him down to one hit point in a single shot. He deserved it though. He was being an idiot. Road a horse into a crowded tavern (long story). ^^;