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...all good things come to an end.

But not for us!  This is just chapter 1 and it's not even done yet!  Four pages to go, with a bit of bonus content to boot!

This was a frustrating page to get through, but it really forced me to play and experiment with all the tools and brushes that clip studio has to offer.  I learned a lot with this one. :)

...And I just noticed I still need to color the rope in Megs hands in panel 5. ^^;




Looking great! A quick note: in the second panel, Meg says 'I think I needed'; her speech bubble is missing the word 'that' at the end.


Forgot to color a rope? Outrageous! Unsub! Block! Persona non grata! Reeee! Nice comic tho.


I’m very happy with it, although I was worried because in the original sketch she looked unhinged in a yandere kinda way.


A great update!

Shrub Jump

Wow...Ellie must have found that very enjoyable! :)


So no Dirtbike