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...so who shall be the focus of my morning warm ups?

Even though October is going to be a busy work month, you can still expect a couple full color drawings.  Also, BLACK LABEL #1 should be wrapped up soon. :)

Poll will run until Sunday, Sep. 30th, so vote away!

I reduced the number of contestants this month.  Just experimenting with numbers.  What do you prefer; more or fewer choices?

Also, if you have any inspiring ideas for these ladies, just let me know in the comments below. ;)




I think fewer it better. This is a good size list. If sara wins, I'd like to resubmit my idea of the witchblade retraining her.


I'm voting for black cat because I'm in a Marvel mood (with Ghost-Spider A.K.A Spider-Gwen winning last time XD )

Shrub Jump

I vote for Faye Valentine. And I had a really weird picture idea: What if she were doing a zero-gravity striptease on a spaceship, like Jane Fonda in "Barbarella"? But draw whatever inspires you, no matter which character wins...I'm sure it will be great! :)


Definitely Witchblade here, that weapon/costume has so many possibilities