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…Good morning!

I mean…afternoon.  Got a bit of a late start today.  ^^;

I hope everyone had a fantastic holiday weekend! This is already shaping up to be a busy week, but I’m happy to say that there will be a new page posted later today and a second page later this week! Will be finishing up the next page later this afternoon when I get home. Lots of running around to do today.

Been bullet journaling for the past week and a half now, and I’ve really fallen into the habit. It’s become a part of my morning routine and has really gotten me organized. My handwriting is still crap and I use my smart phone more often than I care to admit, but we’ll see how I do in a month or two. Thus far it has really helped to keep me organized and has given me more excuses to sketch and draw with pencil and paper. Digital drawing is fantastic and all, but I don’t want to lose my penciling skills.

So far as last week’s goals are concerned, I had hoped to get an Instagram account started and might do that later this week. We shall see. There are some business decisions that need to be made first (branding and whatnot). I’m not a big social media guy, but like I said before, I really like Instagram. Will let you know if and when it launches.

There is a poll going on for the $5 patrons for a fan art pinup, so if you haven't voted yet, make sure you do.  There are only five or so votes left to be tallied and they could change everything!  Exciting times, so get your votes in!

Aright…two new pages and Instagram account. Sounds do-able. New page later today! Hope you’ll look forward to it!

Have a great week everyone!


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