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Finally, I can get back to work.

Last week was a real bear with pretty much every free moment I could spare trying to get the book ready for print (had to reformat all 76 pages three times, because I'm an idiot and don't know what a .PNG file is [I do now]). By Wednesday night I was pretty much resigned to the idea that it wasn’t going to happen and that I would have to bow out of the gallery showing. Thursday afternoon everything suddenly fell into place and the files got sent off to the printer. They just sent me approval on of the files. The invoice is paid, now I just need to wait for the proof. For now, I feel like I can relax a little. And when I say relax, I mean get back to work on Stress Relief! :) Expect a post of some sort later today.

I’ve been itching to get back to it SR as I work was crazy this weekend. Also, I picked a bad time to get into D&D because when I got home, my wife and friends were waiting for me so we could continue the campaign for the first time in weeks. It was a good time and after the past week, I needed the night off.

In other news, my wife’s birthday is coming up and every year I come up with something special. I like her birthday to be an experience that she can remember and tell her friends about. I’ve had a lot of fun trying to top myself each year; scavenger hunts, escape rooms, hidden messages and other crazy things. This year (I think I mentioned this) I will be running a RPG campaign of Call of Cthuhlu! I’ve tried very hard to set aside a bit of time to work on it, but man oh man, I may have bitten off more than I can chew this time. On the other hand, if I pull this off…it will be epic. I’ve got a month left to go. Fingers crossed.

I’ll be leaving town on Wednesday and getting back Saturday night, but I’ll be taking my sketchbook and hopefully have some stuff to share while I’m gone. Fingers crossed.

Have a great week everyone! Let’s get shit done!


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