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...I fly home tomorrow! Once I’ve had a bit of time to get some sleep I’ve got eight finished drawings ready to be scanned. Essentially two complete pages of Stress Relief, a Stress Relief bonus pic, and two succubus images plus enough elements for a variant image. Basically I got a lot done! Can’t wait to finish it up and share it with ya!

Also got most of Black Label 1 and 2 sketched out, wrote a new short Black Label comic for DevArt written as well as an outline for issues 3, 4 and 5.

Everything that I have so far for Black Label is going to get split into two 24 page issues. Planning to have them printed too (if I can find a printer willing to do it).

So this is weird. The Inferno Art Gallery in Oakland California is doing a show called The Tijuana Bible: Revisited which will be featuring a number of underground artists. I sent them a few pics as they were looking for Bay Area Talent and they want to feature Stereoscope Comics. 😮 this is why I decided to break Black Label into shorter issues.

The show is at the end of June. That’s right around the corner. I need to get Stress Relief and Black Label 1 to done. And business cards! And prints. And stuff. Lots to do. Perhaps I’ll only be able to make a collection of the Bonus Comics (issue 0) but this has lit a fire under me. Can’t wait to get back in my office and GIT SHIT DONE!

Can’t wait to share the new pages with you guys! Have a great week!



Congratz! That kind of exposure has to be worth the extra work it will entail :)


I expect so. Never done a gallery showing before. Gonna be weird to tell my friends and fam about it since most don’t know I draw hentai. 😅