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...I just need to check the spelling and I think I want to darken the text.  If any of you see any spelling errors, please let me know.  I am prone to miss them.  My wife is really good at spotting them, but she's super busy this weekend.

Hope you guys like this one!  It was a fun commission to work on, though I may have gotten a bit carried away. ^^;



Jack Wynd

I can’t get enough of this couple, their so adorable!


You keep this up and I may demand a link to buy it.


This is so wonderful! I'm always jealous of your clean lines and shading. If you don't mind a bit of nitpicking (edit: derp, I totally skipped the description!), there are a few spelling errors scattered about: Opening section: INESCAPEABLE -> INESCAPABLE Construction section: seperatelly -> separately, compatable -> compatible, warrenty -> warranty Again though, brilliant stuff! <3


Thanks for the corrections! Needed those. By the way, I’m loving your posts on DevArt! Gagmatism - Manga alt looks great!


There's more! Awesome! Seriously this keeps getting better each time I see this! :D


I could probably add more but I have other projects to work on. I may have to do more of these down the road.


This is just brilliant; sexy, funny and inspired. Oh and i just Love Ellie's cheesy dialog!

Fyunch Click

“Submissives” should be apostrophized: “submissive’s”


This looks great! One wonders how much something like this would cost if going this far was intended by the commissioner, though.


Great idea, well designed, only one question when does this actually hit the market because I want one!


As do I! There are a couple of leather/bondage craftsmen on DevArt. I may need to tag them when I post this. 😙🎶

Shrub Jump

Ooh, just what this ad needed: "Puppies"! ^_^