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The big Valentine’s Day comic of 2018 (as it shall be known hence forth) is done and the response has been overwhelmingly positive! I cannot say this enough but this would not have been possible without your help. I’ve basically been closing the office early every day to give me extra time to work on it. Thank you so much for helping me make it happen!

Now that I’ve had a few days to decompress, I’ve noticed something…I’ve lost a lot of Patrons. ^^; At first I thought that a lot of people didn’t care for the Valentine’s Comic, or I wasn’t doing enough hentai, or delivering on my promises. Then I noticed something…it’s tax season. Whew. Panic averted.

However, looking through my reward tiers I’ve noticed that I haven’t been delivering on my $5 reward promises. I haven’t done a Monthly Sketch Contest in…a year! ^^; Sorry about that everyone. Bad artist! Bad!

For now, I have removed it from the reward list, until I can get it figured into my schedule (next month, hopefully). I am considerably faster now and you guys have helped me set aside drawing time, so I’m pretty sure I can make it happen, but it will require planning and prep work (wow…Patreon is like a business or something). I’d love to be one of those Patreon artists who actually delivers on all of his promises.

Got some fun commissions to work on this week, so I hope you’ll look forward to them!



Patreon also had that issue where they were going to charge the donor extra for each account they support. Luckily they changed their position but many people reduced the number of accounts they support and my not have signed back up.


I remember that. I’d been so busy that I hadn’t noticed the change. That pissed me off. Glad they changed it back. Not sure how much it effected my numbers, but I’m sure it did.


Have you checked with other artists to see if they have lost Patreon supporters?


Taxes be taxes, yo. Happy to keep supporting, but I definitely get it. It's been awesome to see your work and glad to be contributing!


I'd almost forgotten about the sketch contest. It has been awhile. Then again life kept getting in the way, that's not your fault. Plus, you kept us up to date when things got weird. Glad to hear your reconstructing your tiers so it's more doable for you. I look forward to seeing what people have commissioned! Plus, looking forward to getting out own copies of the work too. Thanks for keeping us up to date.


Thanks for the support! Keeping you guys in the loop seems like the least I can do. Ya, I’ll be posting more of the commission stuff soon. There’s more fun stuff afoot! :)