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...we got it done!  Going to start posting this around the web.  Thank you all so much for helping me make this happen.  I've had this comic in my head for a long time and I thrilled to see it on the page! :)




Oh lord! That is long!


Absolutely amazing and beautiful! Well worth the wait and seeing the process of it it all makes it even better. I look forward to seeing their journey up to this point and what happens after this point!


This is simply beautiful! It's romantic, intimate, sensual, and sexy all at once. I'm really glad we got to see this look into Meg & Ellie's past. Thank you for taking the time to share this with us. <3


Absolutely awesome


Wow. It wasn't until you posted the lesbian sex page that i actually remembered i'd originally joined for the sexy stuff....This story has captured me entirely. I'm not a fan of romances really but this story totally got under my rader and into my head. I really did come her for the nudes and stay for the story, it's not even just the story...i've become so invested in your characters and their lives. Thankyou for creating this.

Shrub Jump

Congratulations! Nice story, nice artwork. Very sexy.