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...a male consentacle commission.

So I got a commission for a male tentacle pic featuring Hyakuya Mikaela from Kechimyaku no Sekai (The World of Blood Legacy).  I believe their exact words were, "I see you can do tentacles.  However, I haven't seen much of the tentacles on male so I'm here to commission this."

Challenge accepted.

This is what I love about commissions; I never would have thought to draw this myself, but I had a really good time doing it.  I spent a lot more time on the colors than I expected (all afternoon and evening), but I figured out a lot about highlights and shading.

Funny story, my wife also really wanted me to draw this and is very happy with the finished product.  While I was working on it we had a very interesting conversation about how to color and tone cum.  Very serious conversation.  About two minutes into it we both suddenly started busting up over the absolute absurdity of the conversation.

So, we've seen both women and men with tentacles now.  I sense futa in the future.  It's only fair.




Usually I just skim through the blurb very quickly under any type of art. But I read through this very seriously and found myself oddly satisfied. Good work man.


This came out fantastically, your use of color and shading really makes the piece pop. It's good to see people having a good time and he really seems to be enjoying it.