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...Cause reasons.

I really like this one, but it needs a few touch ups.  It kinda looks like she's being stabbed by her sword.   I don't know.  Tell me what you think.

Was hoping to have another comic for you guys, but some exciting stuff happened at work this week.  Good stuff, but it all required a lot of attention.

Next comic should be up on Monday.  I'm on the road later today, but I'll see if I have anything else worth posting before I go.  Maybe another shot of my bulletin board (I like those).

Also, Sac-Con is on Sunday!  Very excited!




So cute!


This is adorable! I see what you mean by the sword, maybe have it turned so we see the back of the blade?


Looking forward to seeing the next update, and good luck at sac-con


D'awww.... it looks so cute! Except for the fact that her sword looks like it's about to cut her in half... D:


My thoughts exactly! And she doesn't use a scabbard in the game, it just floats behind her. Think I can fix it, but it'll have to wait. 😅


Utterly adorable! :D

Shrub Jump

It totally looks like she's been run through with the sword. But it's a cute picture! Robots and sex...hmm, there's some possibilities there... ;)