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Hey gang! Important question…

Anyone having any issues viewing my Patreon page? Every time I go to it I get a page unresponsive error. I was worried my page got deleted but it seems to be fine (with all the ad-pocalypse suff happening on Youtube and the recent Google drama, I’ve been a little paranoid). I can still view it on the app and post via my dashboard, but I can’t actually visit patreon.com/stereoscopecomics. Let me know if you’re having any issues. I’ve noticed a few buggy things happening on Patreon of late. I’ve thought about asking Patreon about it, but…I draw porn (remember, paranoid).

In other news, my first convention of the Summer (Stockton Con) is next weekend and I am pumped! Been a while since I tabled in an artist alley and this is the first time I’ve tabled with Adult Material. ^^ I need to print a few more things this week, but all in all, I think I’m ready!

My big goal for the week, I want to see if I can finish THE PRANK. The first two pages are almost done and it’s going to be either 3-4 pages all together, depending on how I segue into the next comic.  I think I can pull it off if nothing too crazy happens this week. Fingers crossed.

Alright, I’m gonna get to drawing. Chat soon everyone! Have a great week!



All fine on my iPhone I'll look on my PC later. You using PC?


Working fine here, also using Google chrome


All good on pc


I'm not having any issues, I know the app can be a bit unpredictable at times but I'm good. Congrats on going to Stockton Con hope you have a great time! Looking forward to the next update!


No issues with the website: Win10, Chrome 60.0.3112.90 and iOS 10.3.3, Safari

Fyunch Click

It's working for me.