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Whoops! A little late on my weekly update. My how time flies!

Got THE GIFT comic done and posted to DevArt. The full, uncensored version is up on Hentai-Foundry and Tumblr. Now onto the next comic, THE PRANK!

I had originally intended to post THE GIFT and THE PRANK together, as the PRANK is relatively short in both length and naughty content. I may end up breaking up the next comic, THE DOMME, into two comics as well. It’s a bit long and despite the name it doesn't have much adult content.  It focuses more on Ellie and Meg finally meeting.

I also came up with two fun mini comics while tightening up THE PRANK script. You know me and my bonus comics. One is another Q&A comic and the other is an offshoot/tangent/parody much like the Bondage Strap Bomb comic. Not sure how funny anyone else will find it, but I think it’s hilarious.

Okay, I hope to get all the day job stuff that needs to get done finished early tomorrow, leaving me with some more time to draw tomorrow. In the meantime, I'm exhausted and off to bed now. Very excited to get to work on the next page!



I'm really looking forward to Domme, the sexy erotica is fantastic! But, I'm looking forward to seeing who these characters are and how they interact with each other