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...because I should really be practicing my digital drawing.  This one will be done 100% digital.  We'll see how this progresses.

Gantz was a weird show, but I really enjoyed it.  It was reminiscent of some classic anime in the sense that it was over the top weird.  That and I love the costumes, weapons and the overall plot and concept.

Sure, I wanted to throw my remote at the screen every episode.  "Hey there's a monster right in front of us!  Let's talk about how crappy life is as it steps ever closer, claws extended!  I mean, sure, I have a gun that I'm pretty sure will do the trick in one shot, but where's the excitement in that?"  That and the first five minutes of every episode was a recap of the previous episode, same with the commercial break, so each episode was about 15 minutes long!  It also had one of the most unlikable heroes in anime.

But yeah, I still liked it. ^^;




Oh boy you totally encapsulated my feelings about the show there too...it got too much for me though. I had enough of "Lets roar and stamp for a whole episode but not actually do anything" with DBZ and its kind of hardened me to the whole 'lets talk when we should be doing something' trope so beloved of anime


Pretty much every modern shonen anime has that, unfortunately.


I think Evangelion was probably the worst offender, I would literally burn the DVD if i still had it