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Boom! Time for another weekly update!

Had a busy couple of days on the road only to return to a pile of pages waiting to be folded, stapled and trimmed. Not a problem though, I’d been itching to get started! Finished a decent sized batch that should hold me through the first convention or so. Honestly, I don’t know how well it’s gonna sell, but it should at the very least catch people attention. I figure whatever is left when I’m done, I’ll raffle off here on Patreon.

This week I’m back to work on BLACK LABEL. Two pages that I want to get done will include a look inside Ellie’s new book. I’m going to go back to my earlier drawings on DevArt and rework some of them into the book. This will required some quick redrawing, but since I’m not starting from scratch and the composition is already figured out, it shouldn’t take me too terribly long. Should make for a couple of fun pages too. If I can get those two pages done (which will include a couple fun pics of Ellie, I will be very happy!

Work schedule this week doesn’t look to crazy, although I will be on the road Wednesday and Thursday. I’ll see if I can’t load something onto my phone so I can still post while I’m gone. Maybe I’ll post some pictures too.

Okay, time to get back to work. Chat soon!



Looking forward to the fun pieces 😀