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...who wants their name in the back of the book?

Yes, this is a first run that I am printing myself, so it's not gonna be all super fancy and official, but hell, it'll be something (I did find a printer that will do 18+ material, but I want to wait until I have more of the story put together.  Also, they are a bit pricey.  Most of what I have right now are bonus comics).

I'd like to add you guys to the back on a kind of, "This would not have been possible without the support of...", kinda page.  This is something for $5+ Patrons, but I'm thinking of including $1 Patrons as well, particularly long time Patrons.  Not sure how that'll work.  Perhaps Patrons that have been with me since I started, since the new year, etc.  Depends on how much room I have to work with.

If you don't want to be in the book, let me know.  If you want to be mentioned, but want me to use a different name for you, let me know.  This will just be usernames, of course.  No emails or contact info.

If I don't hear from you, I'll just use your current user name.  I'll ask again before things go to print, just in case. ;)



I feel honored, go ahead put me in there! 😀


Toss my username name in


Just use my username, please. ^.^


I dunno I haven't been a patron for long. If at all just the username.


I'd love my name in there thanks! Please could you use my DA name: Darianblood