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Hey everyone! It’s crunch time!

Gotta finish getting the books all formatted and printed. I found a company a while back that prints hentai material and they are accepting submissions (they were on hiatus at the time but they’re back). Not sure what their turn around is, but hopefully we can get some books published proper in time for at least one of the conventions. I’m still going to do the homemade sketch book and preview comics (Private Reserve) but it’s good to know that I have a place that’ll do the real thing (they’re sample proofs look good)!

Was out of town all weekend for business (big surprise) and wound up with a couple hours to myself. Drew a fun, short comic that should be up later today. :) Also did a couple sketches that came out pretty good. Wanna see if I can work them up a bit in time for the conventions.

Also…I really need to get that commission done. I usually like to get commissions done within a week, but it’s been a month now. Not good. Summer months are always crazy. Guess I should leave the commissions for the fall, winter, and spring. ^^;

Alright, enough stalling. Let’s get to work!


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