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Seriously, fuck last week. ^^;  Lots of last minutes work. It felt like every time I sat down to draw the phone would ring.

On the bright side, Part one of BLACK LABEL is done! Thank you guys so much! This would not be happening without your support. Seriously, making time to draw is hard enough. You guys have actually made it possible for me to cut my work hours for this. Thank you!

Onto part two: The Gift and The Prank! Not as much bondage goodness in the next section, but a few good laughs, a nice private moment, and Ellie and Meg finally meet! Not the way you might expect though. Meg’s got tough situation. She’s a dominate woman in so many ways, but crowds, parties, meeting new people…not he strength. Approaching Meg won’t be easy. She’s got to get her away from the crowd somehow.

So question one: How will Meg do it?

And question two: Is Ellie actually a submissive?

Okay, question two you already know…but Meg doesn’t. ;)

Okay, I’ve got some errands to run and then I’ll have a good three hours to draw. Today I get the pages laid out. Also, I’m working on a commission this week with a few of the ladies from Overwatch. Should be fun, so I hope you’ll look forward to that too. Thursday-Saturday I’ll be on the road for work again, so I gotta make the next few days count.

Let’s do this!



Characters like Meg, with all their flaws are what make Black Label so good...well and the sexy bondage of course ;)