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As mentioned in a previous post, there is a wild fire in our area so we have evacuated in hopes that things will die down over the weekend. Just checked fire watch alerts and things have only gotten worse. It is now the largest arson fire in California history. So…yeah, not sure when my next post will be. staying with family. I have my computer and files, so that’s all good, but no place to work. was hoping to go home on Monday, but that may not be happening. Will keep you updated.

In the meantime, I’m gonna do some work on my iPad and sketchbook. Will share some rough stuff if I come up with anything worth sharing, I will. We’re in a good place, so will keep at it. Chat soon!

Any thoughts on what I should draw? Throw me some ideas! We’ll see what happens!

Stay safe out there!



Take care and with you


So dose this mean that the next few pages will be extra hot? ;-) Stay safe! and hope that you won't suffer any damages!