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Censored and uncensored, because DevArt has proven to be inconsistent with the ole ban hammer. ^^;

Page 43 should come together pretty quickly (he says one day before officially launching the online store) so I hope to have it posted by Monday! Gonna be another fun one! I hope you'll look forward to it!

Have a great weekend! :D



michael D

i like the first image better but i love the bra on the second image more


Yes! and that it's not a full swim suit like in the sketches a few monthe ago. It's like she fantasizing to be more naked and vulnerable in front of Meg.

Shrub Jump

Ellie's Inner Monologue: "Wait a minute, does this actually mean...?" (Light bulb goes on.) Sings: "IIIII'M GAAAAAAAAAAY!" :D

michael D

if not holding hands maybe holding her leash


I can’t tell which is which? Isn’t the only thing that’s changing is the bra? Oh is it the little splurt at the bottom on the second image?