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...I am a page and a half away from releasing the current batch of nine pages with text, which will be the complete living room scene with Meg and Ellie. After that, they're heading downstairs to the DUNGEON!!! I am so stoked!

Here are pages 24 and 25 with text. Because I decided to break Val's scene into smaller parts, the page numbers are a bit screwed up right now. I'll be able to post everything in order once this section is done. I'll also start posting these as pdfs for you guys (something I've been meaning to do for sometime). I really want to work on my website, but I can't do that until I get things organized here, so let's do that.

Okay, only a page and a half to go, and now that I'm done with taxes, I finally have time to draw again! Let's do this! More pages coming soon! Have a great week everyone! :)




Not to be nit-picky, but did we just jump directly from page 22 to page 24, or is it just a mistake in the numbering?


There goes her attempt at being in control or showing restraint. She’s literally begging