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1) what do you think of BLACK LABEL as a title? Do you have a better idea?

2) should I change Meg and Ellie's Character designs so they look less Sunstone-y?

Okay, that's three questions but I want your thoughts. I got called out for work unexpectedly today so there will be no time to draw but maybe we can get this figured out.

Thanks for your time everyone!



I like the title it fits the story thus far but the part of megs past makes me think if it will fit if her back story will be focused heavy on. I also love how they look. Meg fits a dom well and Ellie reminds me of medusa from soul eater but I think her look fits as well. I love your art style and your content. Keep up the good work. :)


1. I actually like the title 2. I'm also fine with their original design, but I'm curious on what kind of redesign you have in mind. If you have time could you work on some concepts and share them.


1. Personally I like the title. 2. I see no reason to change their designs, I rather like them :)


The title is fine and please, please Don't change Meg or Ellie. I think your art style is so different there are no comparisons beyond Meg wearing glasses. I've really gotten to like your characters and changing them now would just feel totally wrong


1: I love it; it is a perfect blend of restraint and elegance, with subtle hints of the erotic. 2: Nope! Love 'em. They may share some similarities to the gals of Sunstone, but they are clearly unique in their characters and personalities. ;)


1: No issues with the title. 2: Love the artwork, no need alter it.


1. Sounds good. 2. Lolwhut? They didn't look Sunstone-y at all. From where I'm sitting, they're totally unique.


Glad to hear it. It was a question that had to be asked, if nothing else, to put my mind at ease. Thanks you!


Yeah, I'm with the other people here. I don't think either need changing.