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This is not the post to make suggestions yet, just a post so i can thank you guys for the amazing support though the year, specially when i started posting my first comic project, it means a lot! <3

I hope you all had a good celebration and i wish all the positive vibes and great things for all of you this following year, i believe in you all to accomplish amazing things and even making your resolutions a reality!

My resolutions for 2023...Well i'm just gonna keep doing my thing for now, if any inspiration strikes, i'll go for it--

I know i promised another comic last year but i got a bit of a cold feet with my possible moving soon, things kept getting delayed more and more so i didnt got the chance to yet, but things are progressing! In any case, i will start posting a new comic in the next few days for real now, plus the mega orgy which is done!

I'll try keep producing good art for Patreon here and doing my best as usual, for now though i think we all need to rest after celebrations, and i'll make the suggestion post later today after i wake up, thank you all again for sticking around!



Happy New Year to you too, Feli. Cannot wait to see where inspiration takes you.