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Hi everyone!

Since october of last month i've been working on my free time in a big lewd comic project featuring my characters Christie and Carina, plus some few boys, and the plan was to sell it on Itch.io, and then offer everyone here a free code to download it

But with small motivation and small free time, i could barely do much progress on it, and more and more it feels like that plan just isn't the best approach, plus just the anticipation to share is really unberable

So i want to actually risk it and start posting the comic here on Patreon under a new 10$ tier (Don't adjust your payments yet, or else it  just doesn't count), but i'm debating over the frequency of posts and frequency of sharing it outside of Patreon, and i would like to hear you feedback on this

How would you all feel about this scheduling

1-2 pages a month posted early for supporters

2 Weeks after a page is posted, they're shared publicly outside of Patreon



I like this idea, plus the comics you make are always great!


1-2 pages per month sounds doable to me, though I think waiting a month to post publicly might make more sense due to Patreon's monthly payments? That might just be me though.


That sounds like a good idea and I'd be interested to see what shall unfold from it Though personally I'd say for 1-2 pages I think the 5 dollar tier works well still but that might just be me