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And along with the regular monthly fanart, i always offer the option to complete a sketch i've done!

As usual, best ways to find these sketches is on my Scraps gallery in Furaffinity


Or in my #Doodles channel on Discord!


You can also try my CoHost doodle tag but i'm not sure how complete it is if i'm gonna be honest--


Remember, due to Discord links not working outside of the app anymore, you should send over the gallery or the discord chat link, not the direct picture link

These colored pics won't be put in early access like the usual fanart pictures i post here though, they'll be shared publicly on the TrickTrashing account as normal

It is also okay to suggest doodles that have been suggested before but not completed!

Also, no doodles with other characters, cuz i'd feel like i'm profiting over others oc's and i'll feel baaaaad-



More Peter Doodles https://www.furaffinity.net/view/56653265/ I just like Peter. A lot.


Like to see more of this guy https://www.furaffinity.net/view/56310341/


I'll keep it in mind as a request to draw more of him, but i think as a poll to color sketches that i already done, this doesn't feel very appealing considering it's just some concept doodles