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I'm still alive!! 

I came home last night and had a surge of confidence and determination and drew this in what seemed like no time! To be honest, I was kind of struggling with finding the pure motivation after work to get stuff like this done. I could sketch, but moving on to lines -- GASP COLOR?! Was just something that I couldn't get myself through. So, here we are, with this, somewhat stylized picture that I drew for myself that seriously boosted my confidence. 

I'm thinking that if people really like how this turned out, I might do icons in this sort of quick, over-exaggerated style. Not necessarily hypno, but in general! Might make some more examples happen today so that y'all can see 'em~ 

That all being said, though, today I'm going to try to focus Patreon rewards! Keep an eye out~ AND lemme know what y'all think of this! 

Thank you all so much for being fantastic and sticking with me and showing your invaluable support~!!!




This looks real good and id buy one the nanosecond you open for them??????