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DISCLAIMER: This story contains diaper usage, public humiliation, masturbation/diaper sex, WAM, hypermessing, hypnosis, diaper filling, slime transformation, and other ABDL themes. I hope you enjoy!


“And stay out!” said the security guard as he tossed both Crissie and Codi onto the cold, city street and closed the entrance to the CrissBaby Store behind him.

Wrapping her arms around her chest for warmth, Codi glared at Crissie. “Well, that’s just great. Thanks to you and your stupid Double Diaper Dare crap, we’ve been banned from ALL CrissBaby locations. ALL OF THEM!” shouted Codi, flicking Crissie on the nose.

“Ouch!” responded Crissie, recoiling in mild discomfort, “Why is this all my fault?! Did you forget that you dared me too? And you and I both know we won’t be banned for life. One call to Master and this’ll all be swept under the rug.”

Pinching the bridge of her nose, Codi could only shake her head at Crissie’s tactless behavior. “Ya know, it’s all fine and dandy to have Master clean up every mess you make. Just try to keep in mind that someday, you might do something that even the great Master can’t undo,” she said pointedly, her body beginning to shiver, “Now can we please get outta here.”

“Gotcha covered,” said Crissie, walking up the CrissBaby Store entrance and placing her teleport key in the slot, “For our next location, let’s go somewhere a bit less crowded.” She pushed open the door, creating a new portal.

However, before Crissie could step through, Codi grabbed her arm and pulled her back. “W-wait, I thought we’d b-be g-going home,” she said through chattering teeth, “I don’t really wanna-”

“Baaaaaaaawk! Bawk bawk bawk!”

Once again, Codi was sent spiraling into anger thanks to Crissie’s cheap-shot chicken noises. She instantly let go of Crissie’s arm and pushed past her as she walked through the portal.

“So easy,” muttered Crissie as she followed her inside.


“Oh, shoot! That’s all the time we have. We’ll pick this conversation back up next week,” said Jane, waving goodbye to her last patient of the afternoon. Lounging back in her chair, she felt her butt sink into her well-sodden nappy and let out a small giggle.

At first, it was difficult for Jane to get used to total incontinence after her system was shot by warping through time. It was definitely embarrassing at the worst of times. However, a used diaper meant a trip down the hall to visit Miwth Webecca for a change, something that had become a standard part of her daily work routine.

Before Jane could climb out of her seat, she was blinded by a flash of light emanating from her doorway. As the light faded, she saw a tall girl with long, black hair who she’d never met before. “Um, excuse me, miss. Did Laura send you back here?” she asked, confused as to who this mystery woman was.

That’s when a second flash of light occurred, followed closely by the return of a far more familiar face. “Heyyo, BESTIE! Long time no see!” said Crissie, rushing across the room and practically leaping over Jane’s desk to give her a hug.

“Crissie! What an unexpected surprise!” said Jane, throwing her arms around Crissie, “I thought we weren’t getting together until next month!”

Sitting up on Jane’s desk, Crissie made herself at home as she reclined across Jane’s stuff. “Well, we just popped by for a visit,” said Crissie, motioning toward the motionless Codi who was still standing stiffly in the doorway, “Codi and I are playing Double Diaper Dare! Wanna join in?” She leaned forward excitedly, swinging her legs back and forth like the impatient child she was.

Scooting back from her desk, Jane stood up and brushed down her skirt to make sure her droopy diaper wasn’t visible. “Sorry, girly. I’ve still got work here I need to do. Plus, Rebecca, Sarah, and I have plans to roleplay tonight,” she said, her cheeks turning the slightest shade of pink.

“Ooooh! Hehehe, well then, don’t mind me. I’ll be out of your hair in a few minutes. Though I will want every glorious detail afterward,” said Crissie before turning her head as nonchalantly as possible toward Codi, “Oh geez! Sorry, Jane. I totally forgot Codi was here for a moment. This is my roommate, Codi.”

Giving Jane a quick wave, Codi resumed her stoic stance as she looked away from both Crissie and Jane. As the two girls carried on with swapping blushy stories of the past week, Codi did her best not to seem interested. “I thought we were here to play Double Diaper Dare,” she thought before immediately purging the statement from her mind. Why should she care if Crissie wants to occupy her time with Jane? At least she wasn’t being forced to do embarrassing stuff for however long they were here.

Sadly, the moment wouldn’t last as Jane moved to her office door. “I’ll be right back, Crissie. I’m gonna go get changed by Miwth Webecca. And before you ask, no, you are not allowed to join us,” she said, causing Crissie to do an exaggerated pout. She then turned to her other guest, “Feel free to make yourself at home, Codi.”

Left alone to their own devices, Crissie frantically waved for Codi to join her over by Jane's desk. “Pssst! Come here,” she said in a needlessly hushed voice.

Reluctantly, Codi trudged across the therapist's office. “Alright, Crissie, what is it that you couldn’t tell me from across the room?” she asked, doing little to hide her annoyance.

Gesturing toward Jane’s rolling desk chair, Crissie snickered as she excitedly proclaimed Codi’s next dare, “I Double Diaper Dare you to leave a little bit of your slime on Jane’s chair and to crawl into her diaper when she sits down.”

“Ahaha! No,” said Codi sarcastically, who was honestly taken aback by Crissie’s willingness to dare her to do something so personal, “First off, I just met the woman. Second, that’s crossing a ton of boundaries, even if I did know her. Pick another dare.”

Sticking her tongue out at Codi, Crissie had no argument against what Codi was saying. Sure, she could double down and tell Codi to do the dare or lose. But based on how close Codi was to calling it quits already, she didn’t want to push her out of the game entirely, at least not yet. “Fiiiiiiiine, then…” she looked around the room, trying to come up with something equally as good as her first dare. Remembering something from when she wrote The Dreamcaster, she snatched Jane’s keys off the corner of her desk and quickly unlocked the bottom drawer, where a lone pocket vibrator lay dormant. “...I dare you to stick this down your diaper for the rest of our visit here. On, of course.”

“Well…at least that’s better than the first one,” said Codi dejectedly as she grabbed the pocket vibrator and held it up to her eyes to inspect it, “A-and you’re sure she’s washed this since the last time she used it?”

Shrugging, Crissie decided to toy with Codi’s nobler sensibilities, “Who’s to say? As far as I know, Jane’s a pretty hygienic person. Though that’s never a guarantee when anyone goes full horny brain.” She snickered as she watched Codi squirm at her explanation, “Uh oh, do we have a bawk bawk chicken on our hands?”

Shaking her head, Codi clicked on the vibrator, feeling it rumble between her fingertips. “I’m going to regret this,” she groaned, taking a deep breath and plunging her hand inside her diaper. The effect was instantaneous. Unlike with the spanking, there was no way to curb the sensations that the vibrator filled her with. If she’d tried to shift her lower half into goo-form again, it would only make the sexual sensations stronger due to the way her nervous system was constructed.

Meanwhile, Crissie perched herself up on Jane’s desk again and observed all the wonderfully aroused faces that Codi was trying and failing to conceal. “Why do you fight it so much?” she asked, shaking her head at the level of effort Codi was going through to act like the vibrator wasn’t affecting her, “We both know you’re as big of a diaper perv as I am,” Sticking her foot out, she pressed it into Codi’s crotch.

It was only for a brief moment since Codi backed away on impact, but the damage had been done. Codi let out a pitiful moan as she fell back into Jane’s seat. “I…I’m not like you. I enjoy diapers, s-sure, but unlike yooooou…” she said, cutting herself off as she mounted a mini-climax, “...unlike you, I could live without them if I had to.”

“Whatever you say, CodiBaby,” said Crissie, knowing perfectly well how much Codi hated her infantile moniker. Getting up from the desk, she walked around Jane’s chair and placed her hands on Codi’s shoulders, “You and I both know the real truth and when Jane comes back and catches you playing with her buzzy toy, she’ll know too.”

As if by magic, Jane returned from Rebecca’s office, her face beet red. “I’m back, Crissie…and there’s someone with me who wants to meet you,” she said, pushing her door open all the way. Following her into the office was Rebecca, herself, who was carrying a diaper bag on her shoulder.

Giving Codi a tight squeeze from behind, Crissie whispered in her roomie’s ear, “Speak of the devil, am I right?”