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DISCLAIMER: This story contains diaper usage, public humiliation, masturbation/diaper sex, WAM, hypnosis, diaper filling, slime transformation, and other ABDL themes. I hope you enjoy!


Codi’s Diary: Entry 141 (Cont.)

As humans developed, so did I. It took a few millennia but after learning how to make and hold organic forms with my goo (no easy feat), interacting with humans became a favorite pastime of mine. Could anyone blame me? The world that humans got to inhabit was just so vibrant and full of so much life that it would burst out of the ground at random. Moreover, humans were wild, unpredictable, and, in most cases, perhaps the horniest species I’d ever encountered. Still, as strange as they were, it made me feel happy not to be so alone anymore.

Things were a lot harder for me back then, though. I could only hold a human shape for an hour or two at a time before melting back into a puddle of slime, something that humans were far too easily freaked out by if you ask me. It was the genitalia that often did me in, as my internal slime would often seep out through the slit that female humans possessed at the bottom of their torsos. Thankfully, I found a fairly easy solution to that.

You see, humans had this knack for innovation that most other species just didn’t possess. And it seemed I wasn’t the only one struggling with holding my “goop” in. And thus, the diaper was born. Unfortunately, the ones who had the most need for such bulky hygiene products were usually the smallest of humans, making it hard for me early on to find proper protection. That was until humans took a big leap forward into the industrial age, and with it came mankind’s great creation: brick-and-mortar ABDL stores with everything I could ever need or want to keep my little leakage problem firmly under wraps…


The familiar smell of fresh grass mixed with the nauseating aroma of smoggy city streets filled Crissie’s nostrils while the sounds of angry car horns and police sirens echoed all around. She didn’t even need to open her eyes to know where she was. She’d landed in the same spot twice before, after all. “Home sweet home,” she chuckled as she sat up and looked around the park that neighbored her old apartment.

“Frick, it’s freezing,” said Codi, who was wearing quite a fashionable outfit. Since the clothing you previously wore on Earth is what you’d reappear in, Codi was dressed in a striped halter-top dress that looked far more appropriate for a beach setting than a New York park in late fall.

Codi’s acknowledgment of the temperature was enough to draw Crissie’s attention to her own outfit inadequacies. Having been back to earth countless times for CrissBaby photo shoots and press events, she’d worn a wide variety of fun and frilly outfits. This time, she found herself back in a familiar classic, which was a golden dress she had worn for her very first CrissBaby Diaper Company presentation, along with a fresh diaper to replace the messy one she made in the nursery. Tragically, as much as Crissie loved the dress, it was ill-equipped for the frosty weather. “Alright, timeout on Double Diaper Dare until we can get warm,” she said, receiving a nod of approval from Codi, “Besides if memory serves, I have a great idea of where to go.”

Clinging to each other for warmth, Crissie and Codi trudged through the park until they reached the street. Several onlookers shot the pair of diaper lovers a few fascinated glances. While looks of intrigue and curiosity were better than disgust or anger, it didn’t make them feel any less self-conscious.

Remembering how recognizable she was last time, Crissie reached up and pulled out her trademark hair bow, hoping to avoid being recognized if possible. Fortunately, this choice also gave her some heat insulation with her long brown hair providing some slight production from the elements. “N-n-note to self, m-m-make sure to check the weather first,” said Crissie, still frigid despite her newly found coverage. Luckily for both her and Codi, they had finally arrived at their destination, “Ugh! Thank Goddess, we’re here.”

Codi’s slimy filling felt a sense of relief hearing that she was so close to escaping the frigid air. That was until she caught sight of the storefront, recognizing its design all too well.

“Heyyo! Welcome to the CrissBaby Store!” said the greeter at the entrance before covering her mouth in shock, “My goodness! You two look frozen! Let’s get you inside.” The greeter quickly placed her hands on Crissie and Codi’s shoulders, ushering them into the heat-controlled air.

The overwhelming aroma of baby powder was the first thing to hit Codi and Crissie as their bodies began to thaw from their popsicle conditions. Gazing across the vast storeroom, Crissie was delighted to have her first chance to look inside a real, brick-and-mortar CrissBaby Store. Row after row of shelves containing various CrissBaby diapers stacked on display alongside a host of other blushy ABDL products. And that was just what they could see from the entrance.

Having previously only seen a CrissBaby store from the outside, it was safe to say the girls were shocked into amazement. “Wooooow…” said Codi, her mouth practically watering as she glanced over at a corner of the store filled with fuzzy PJs and onesies. This was far more extravagant and jam-packed than any other adult diaper stores she’d been to before meeting Crissie. Clearly, CrissBaby really knew how to put on a show for its customers,”...h-how did you know this was here?”

“I drove by it once with Master. She said she wanted to take me but we never got around to it,” lamented Crissie, feeling a bit down that Master seemed to be spending less and less time with her as of late, “It’s okie, though. I know she’s very busy.”

Recognizing Crissie’s melancholy, Codi placed her arm around Crissie’s shoulder in an attempt to comfort her. “Hey, even if Master isn’t here, this is something we get to experience together for the first time,” she said, blushing slightly. She wasn’t super used to sentimentality, but something about seeing Crissie getting slightly down made her want to cheer her up somehow, “How about this? Let’s pause the game for a bit and do some exploring. Sound good?”

Nodding her head, Crissie leaned into Codi’s arm, feeling the tightness in her chest begin to subside. “Sure, I’d love that,” she said, nuzzling her cheek against Codi’s ultra-soft hair.

“Awww, you two look adorable!” said the CrissBaby store greeter, who had been watching the girls since they entered. Her brassiere struggled to hold in her wobbling milk jugs with every step she took, “Most of the couples we see in here are some combo of Caregiver and Little. Not nearly as many Littles in love, if you catch my drift.”

Crissie and Codi did indeed catch the greeter’s drift, instantly separating upon hearing what the doting employee said. “It’s not…we’re not….we’re just friends,” said Codi, her face flaring up as she tried to come up with a convincing denial.

“Yeah, t-totally not a couple,” said Crissie, who was equally red after getting clocked as a lesbian in spending less than an hour back on Earth, “We’re just besti-”

“Roommates at most, really,” interjected Codi, who was too caught up with generating excuses that she completely glossed over what Crissie was saying, much to Crissie’s chagrin.

Having been witness to the entire conversation, the greeter took a step back, cringing with second-hand embarrassment over Crissie’s apparent rejection. “W-Well, my name is Lotte. I’ll be up at the front of the store if you need anything,” she said, before scurrying back toward the door.

Sighing with relief, Codi was thrilled to have escaped that conversation. Left to their own devices, she was ready to begin her adventure with Crissie through the massive store. “So, anywhere you want to check out first?” she asked, her eyes already darting back toward the onesie section.

“Hmmm…I Double Diaper Dare you to walk up to the greeter and spank her diaper,” said Crissie with a coldness behind her eyes that was far from ordinary. Unfortunately, Codi was too flabbergasted by the sudden dare to recognize the deep trouble she was now in.

Shooting a glance Lotte’s way, Codi’s blushiness returned with renewed vigor. “B-But I thought…” she stuttered out, realizing halfway through her sentence that there was no reasoning with a brat like Crissie, “...fine then. If that’s how we’re gonna play, so be it. Then after I do yours, I Double Diaper Dare you to stand up on top of the check-out counter and announce to everyone in the store that the real CrissieBaby is here.”

“Deal,” said Crissie, folding her arms confidently and nodding in the greeter’s general direction as if to shoe Codi off.

Turning her back to Crissie in a huff, Codi casually made her way over to a small rack of binkies that were on display near the front window, keeping an eye on Lotte and waiting for her moment to strike. Sadly, the constantly pacing greeter made it surprisingly difficult to get the jump on her, much to Crissie’s amusement. Recognizing that she’d need to create an opening herself, she let out a heavy breath and turned to look at Lotte, “Um, excuse me. Can I get your help over here?”

Like the diligent employee she was, Lotte rushed over to Codi’s aid. “Hey there, how can I be of assistance?” she asked obliviously.

“Yes, um…” said Codi, suddenly realizing that she’d failed to come up with that part of her plan. Lost in a panic, she asked the first thing that came to mind, “...uh…d-do you have anything…bigger?” She gestured to the binky stand, hoping her question wouldn’t seem too weird or off the cuff. She could hear Crissie giggling but refused to turn around to give her the satisfaction.

Thankfully, Codi’s innocuous question seemed to do the trick. “Oh, I see. You like ‘em big, huh?” said Lotte, giving Codi a sly wink as she leaned over the large display, “We’ve got loads of size. Anything, in particular, you looking for?”

Despite the fact that Codi was standing a mere twelve inches from the greeter, Lotte’s question went unanswered. Staring blankly at the female employee’s rear end, Codi couldn’t hear anything over the sound of her own heartbeat. She didn’t have a clear visual thanks to the skirt that Lotte was wearing but she knew the booty was there. That didn’t make it any easier to flat-out spank some random stranger in public. Closing her eyes and winding her hand back, she swung her arm quickly, landing a solid blow against Lotte’s backside.


Lotte shrieked at the top of her lungs as she held her rear in her hands while Codi stepped back in shock, her hand still stinging. Regret set in almost instantly as a cruel realization entered her mind. A fact that was all too obvious thanks to the sound of flesh slapping flesh. There was no way Lotte was wearing a diaper. Lotte’s butt was just that big.

The calm and caring demeanor that Lotte had presented had all but disappeared. Let in its place was the mounting anger of a terrifying big. It was only at this point that Codi realized just how tall and imposing Lotte was.

Glaring down at a quivering Codi, Lotte narrowed her gaze and smirked, “Don’t you know it’s bad manners to spank someone without their consent?” she said, moving forward until she’d managed to back Codi into a corner, “Don’t worry, though. Here at CrissBaby, we have ways of breaking Littles of their nastiest habits.”




John Riendeau

Oh no, the fun is never stopping! But the punishments are coming just as fast